Toe Kyi - Myanmar-Myanmese Maid
Period of Employment
Employer / Country
Work Duties
Start Date
End Date
22 Sep 2022
05 May 2023
Thai expat family of 4 (Sir, Mdm and 2 kids - 15/17yo).
Employer went back to Thailand. She decided to go home to visit her family after 4yrs.
17 May 2019
22 Sep 2022
Chinese / Indian family of 4 adults and 1 kid - 1yo. General housework, laundry and cooking. Take care of 1yo kid. 3 storey house to condo.
Employer changed to a smaller house and don't need a helper anymore.
21 Mar 2013
20 Dec 2018
Chinese family of 4 adults and 1 newborne. General housework, laundry and cooking. Take care of the newborne until 5mths old. 2 storey landed property.
Finished contract and wanted to go back to myanmar to visit her family after 6 yrs.