Sumarni - Indonesian Maid
Period of Employment
Employer / Country
Work Duties
Start Date
End Date
28 Mar 2017
29 Jun 2020
2 years 3 months
Condo (3 rooms). Own room.
Family of 4 including 2 children (8,10yo) and a dog (Breed -Golden Retriever)
After school, she attends to their daily activities including reading, playtime and fetching them to/from enrichment classes.
dog care - grooming, feeding, bathing and dog walks (three times a day).
General household, marketing, cooking and car washing (1).
Employer relocated to Australia. She went back to Indonesia.
25 Nov 2011
09 Mar 2017
5 years 4 months
HDB (4 rooms). She shared room with Ah Ma.
Family of 5 including Ah Ma and 2 children (27,23yo).
Ah Ma has dementia, stroke and is wheelchair bound. She assists her in showering, changing diapers, feeding and wheelchair transfer.
General household, marketing, cooking and car washing (1).
Ah Ma passed away and she was transferred to another new employer.
24 May 2010
25 Nov 2011
1 year 6 months
HDB (3 rooms). Shared room with Ah Ma.
Family of 6 including Ah Ma (70yr) and 3 children (10,13,15 yo).
Ah Ma is healthy. She takes care of the children including fetching them to/from tuition centre.
General household, marketing, cooking and car washing (1).
Ah Ma moved to stay with her other daughter and she followed Ah Ma to the new employer.