Period of Employment
Employer / Country
Work Duties
Start Date
End Date
HDB 4 room. Chinese family of 2. Ah gong 75 yo and ah ma 75yo.
She does all housework, cooking and marketing. Both ah gong and ah ma are healthy She gives ah gong his medicine everyday.
Ah ma scolds her everyday and asks her to look for new employer. Ah ma is stingy with food.
HDB 4 room. Chinese family of 2. Ah gong 87yo and ah ma 85yo.
She did all housework and cooking. Both ah gong and ah ma had dementia. Ah ma was more serious. She needed to remind them to eat their food and she would feed them too. The 3 of them would go marketing together. She would accompany on polyclinic visits.
Ah gong was admitted to hospital because his face became swollen. Ah gong passed on and ah ma missed him so much, she passed on 2 days after.
HDB 4 room. Chinese family of 5. Sir, mdm, ah gong 73yo and two children 9/12yo.
She did all housework, cooking and marketing. She prepared the children for school and walked the 9yo to/from school.
She did not have enough rest. The 9yo hit her every day and she disliked it.
HDB 4 room. Chinese family of 2. Ah gong 78yo and ah ma 85yo.
She did all housework and cooking. She attended to ah gong who was bedridden. She showered, changed diapers, transferred ah gong to/from bed and wheelchair, gave medicine and accompanied on hospital visits. Ah ma is healthy.
Ah gong passed on. Ah ma said she could not afford to employ a helper.
HDB 4 room. Chinese family of 5. Ah gong 72 yo, ah ma 74yo and 3 adult daughters.
She did all housework and cooking. She attended to ah ma who was bedridden. She showered, changed diapers, gave medicine, fed and accompanied on hospital visits. Ah gong is healthy.
Finished contract. Employer did not renew because ah ma was nearing her end and could not afford a helper any longer.
HDB 4 room. Chinese family of 2. Ah gong 76yo and ah ma 78yo.
She did all housework, cooking and marketing. She would accompany them on hospital check-ups.
Her grandmother was critically ill and asked to see her. She went home.
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